5 simple steps to more freedom

Wed, 07/04/2018 - 10:00 - 

You just know you will regret more not having lived to the fullest then having tried to do so, and having failed once in a while. So, why do we often just keep on dreaming instead of chasing our wildest dreams?

Simple. Because our comfort zone feels comfortable and the fact that there is always something that you would like to see different, dream about, could be better or you are just curious about, is rapidly ignored if you think that it will threaten your comfy zone.  How to break free from these mental boundaries?

You did it before

Do you remember how it feels to try something new, like when you learned how to bike, and it gave you freedom and lots of fun for the rest of your life? Or later, when you learned to drive? And it wasn’t just that moment that you got it, but it was also the drive you had to get there, that gave you wings. The process of getting there, with ups and downs is such an indispensable part of the journey. You would never have learned how to bike, if you had stayed in your comfortable cage.

Believe you can

Somewhere along the way, you may have lost your believe that you too can do something new and actually be good at it. As we get older we immediately start thinking of all the risks and doomsday scenarios. So, why not try to be a kid again? Forget all those failures and focus on your gains, all that you have obtained by stepping out of your comfort zone before. Learn to bike again.

Trust yourself, you will survive!

Find your passion

The only way to discover your passions, is by trying new things and by overcoming fear of not doing everything perfect straight away. Some of us already found 1 or two things we are passionate about.  Others keep on struggling to find just one passion. Whoever you are, you can never have enough things you truly love, so go discover which ones work for you. Passion is the best trigger.

Drop your excuses

Any change can feel like a threat if you let it. Even that new job, or that hobby you have wanted to do for years but you always seem to have a 1000 excuses not to actually give it a try. Or worse, your chance to stand up for something you truly believe in, but you are too afraid to speak out and make your voice and thoughts count, to stand up or support that cause that you do care about. Fear has a way of paralyzing us and makes us very creative in finding really good and sensible excuses, which the child in you would never think off.

Start with small things

Start building your confidence by taking, at first, small steps out of your comfort zone. It does not have to be big. If you do not feel well going out without heels or make-up, try going to a movie without heels or make-up  for the first time. It is dark there anyways. If you do not feel comfortable speaking English or any other language, try to speak it with someone else whose mother tongue is also not English, or that other language. Notice that people appreciate the simple fact that you try to do something even if it is far from perfect. Keep taking little steps.

Why is this important?

For your self-esteem, your self-worth, your believe in you,  which is impossible to build up when you stay in your golden cage, often referred to as your comfort-zone. You start with small things, and before you know it, you are doing bigger and bigger things, finding new passions and feeling free and happy, loosing fear for the unknown. Stepping outside your comfort-zone will set you free in so many ways, and make you feel younger and more alive.

“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore” – André Gide

YŪGEN likes to offer you the most positive experience for you, according to who you are and where you are at this point in your life. Small and bigger challenges, easy and more difficult tours can be tailor made for you. You deserve to have the opportunity to experience what great things you can do and how fantastic you are. Remember that in fact the sky is not the limit.

In case you would feel ready to take a small step or a big one, feel free to have an inspirational look at www.yugentours.com or contact us at hello@yugentours.com


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